
Business Intelligence Foundation Professional Certification Exam Answers – Certiprof

Question: It is the attribute of an entity that exists as a dependency on another entity, whose values must match values of a key that must be primary to another relationship:

  • Foreign Key.
  • Composite Primary Key.
  • Primary Key.

Question: A foreign key must correspond to a primary key of another table.

  • True.
  • False.

Question: What is a data source in general?

  • It is the location where the data being used comes from.
  • A BI software.
  • A Data Mining Platform.

Question: One of the difficulties in implementing BI solutions is the diversity of data sources you may have, what would be a solution to this?

  • Perform analysis for each source.
  • Data integration.
  • Request to unify data sources.
  • Export data.

Question: Data relationships and constraints are a concept of:

  • Data relationship model.
  • Qlik Sense.
  • Power BI.
  • Primary key.

Question: Transformation is part of:

  • ETL.
  • Descriptive analysis.
  • Prescriptive Analysis.
  • Predictive analytics.

Question: Full extraction is performed only with the data that have changed since a given event.

  • True.
  • False.

Question: Incremental extraction is performed only on data that has changed since a given event.

  • True.
  • False.

Question: Use of historical data analysis to identify trends and relationships:

  • Historical Analysis.
  • Descriptive Analysis.
  • Referential analysis.

Question: Identify the likelihood of future outcomes based on historical data:

  • Descriptive Analytics.
  • Historical Analytics.
  • Predictive Analytics.
  • Prescriptive Analytics.

Question: Discovering patterns and forecasting future patterns, using advanced statistics and predictive analytics is the definition of:

  • Advanced programmer.
  • BI Developer.
  • Data science.
  • BI Analysis.

Question: What is happening? This question should be asked in the phase:

  • Observe.
  • Understand.
  • Predict.
  • Decide.

Question: Processes that read the data from the different sources, transform and adapt them to the model we have defined, debug and clean them, and introduce them into the target database:

  • Transformation Processes.
  • Extraction Processes.
  • Data Loading Processes.

Question: Why does it happen? It is a question of the phase of:

  • Predict.
  • Collaborate.
  • Observe.
  • Understand.

Question: What does the acronym BI stand for?

  • Business Improve.
  • Business Impact.
  • Business Intelligence.
  • Business Insider.

Question: What is a real and measurable advantage of using BI?

  • Time increase.
  • Reduction of information security.
  • Identification of new business opportunities.
  • Expand the company’s value chain.

Question: Some of these are sources of data collection:

  • Databases.
  • Flat files.
  • Registration data.
  • All of the above.

Question: Depending on the requirement of the organization the data upload can have a variety of different actions.

  • True.
  • False.

Question: “What is most likely to happen in the future based on historical trends?” the type of analysis that can help me answer the above question is:

  • Prescriptive Analytics.
  • Predictive Analytics.
  • Descriptive Analytics.
  • Historical Analytics.

Question: Which of the following options are part of the BI strategy?

  • Identify key stakeholders.
  • Failure to define the scope.
  • Have a roadmap.
  • A and B are correct.
  • A and C are correct.
  • None is correct.
  • All are correct.

Question: What is a Business Intelligence platform for?

  • As an Internet browser.
  • As Software to create reports and analyze data.
  • To Generate Graphics.
  • As a Spreadsheet.

Question: The model showing the limitations of data storage is called:

  • Transformation model.
  • Data relationship model.
  • ETL Model.
  • Granularity model.

Question: To be able to add a row with a specific foreign key value, there must be a row in the related table with the same primary key value.

  • True.
  • False.

Question: What is a Primary Key?

  • It is a single field within a table and is used to establish relationships between tables.
  • It’s to make my Tablet look pretty.
  • It is any field in the table.
  • It is a field used to protect my database.

Question: The word ETL stands for the acronym in English:

  • External, Transform, Load.
  • Extract, Transform, Load.
  • Extract, Transaction, Loading.
  • Extract, Transform, Loop.

Question: The name used to uniquely identify each record within a database table.

  • Database
  • Entity.
  • Foreign key
  • Primary key.

Question: A column or set of columns in a table whose values uniquely identify a row in the table. It is a_____________ key:

  • External.
  • Internal.
  • Foreign.
  • Primary.

Question: In a BI project it is important:

  • Identify the tools to be used.
  • Identify key stakeholders.
  • To have external expert advisors.

Question: The definition “data coming from the previous phase (transformation phase) are loaded in the target system” corresponds to:

  • Data extraction.
  • Data transformation.
  • Data deletion.
  • Data upload.

Question: What are the phases of BI implementation?

  • Observing, Compiling, Predicting, Collaborating, Deciding.
  • Observing, Understanding, Programming, Collaborating, Deciding.
  • Observing, Understanding, Predicting, Collaborating, Dialoguing.
  • Observing, Understanding, Predicting, Collaborating, Deciding.

Question: During this process, data is taken (extracted) from a source system, converted (transformed) into a format that can be stored and stored (loaded) in a data warehouse or other system, is the definition of:

  • Datawarehouse.
  • Accumulation.
  • ETL.
  • Rolling.

Question: The types of relationships between tables are:

  • 1-to-1, 1-to-Many, many-to-one, many-to-many, many-to-many relationships.
  • Many-to-many relationships.
  • No relationships between tables are established.
  • 1 to 1 ratio.

Question: When we refer to the set of strategies and tools focused on the data analysis of a company through the analysis of existing data we talk about:

  • Data Science.
  • Business intelligence.
  • Data Analitics.
  • Data Information.

Question: Using the current data to identify data relationships is a ___________ analysis.

  • Recurring.
  • Predictive.
  • Prescriptive.
  • Descriptive.

Question: By having only internal data, is it possible to have a complete view of the business?

  • True.
  • False.

Question: The Entity Relationship diagram is used as:

  • Analysis to establish relationships between tables.
  • It is a diagram where data are related by their shapes.
  • Both of the above.
  • None of the above.

Question: What are the extraction techniques?

  • Simple extraction.
  • Complete Extraction.
  • Incremental Extraction.
  • All are correct.
  • A and B are correct.
  • A and C are correct.
  • B and C are correct.
  • None of the above.

Question: Scheme in which a central information table is connected to multiple dimensional tables.

  • Inverted.
  • Star.
  • Objects.
  • Structured.

Question: Identifying key trends is part of the____________ analysis.

  • Predictive.
  • Descriptive.
  • Recurring.
  • Prescriptive.

Question: In recent years, processes have been added to business intelligence software to improve performance. These include:

  • Data Visualization.
  • Data quality management and monitoring.
  • Dynamic Report Generation.
  • All of the above.

Question: Effectively aggregating as much data as possible and making it easy to interpret can support increased productivity and efficiency.

  • True.
  • False.

Question: We would like to estimate how many sales there will be in the month of August

  • Predictive Analytics.
  • Diagnostic Analysis.
  • Descriptive Analytics.
  • Prescriptive Analytics.

Question: Load is part of:

  • ETL.
  • Predictive analytics.
  • Prescriptive Analysis.
  • Descriptive analysis.

Question: Extraction is part of:

  • Prescriptive Analysis.
  • Predictive analytics.
  • Descriptive analysis.
  • ETL.

Question: A foreign key is a column or set of columns in a table whose values uniquely identify a row or record in a table.

  • True.
  • False.

Question: What do you see as the purpose of business intelligence solutions in organizations?

  • Data integration.
  • Promote business sales.
  • Facilitate and improve decision making.
  • Facilitate data collection.

Question: What data integration is used to blend data from multiple sources?

  • Saas.
  • Extract, Re-engineer, Programming.
  • Extract, Transform, Load.
  • Extract, Program, Load.

Question: The main benefits of Business Intelligence are as follows.

  • Organization, Budget and Administration.
  • Decisions, Analysis and Proposals.
  • Decisions, Big Data Consumption and Proposals.
  • Time savings, data clarity and customizable reporting.

Question: “The combination of technology, tools and processes that allow me to transform my stored data into information, this information into knowledge and this knowledge directed to a business plan or strategy. The above is the definition of:”

  • Business intelligence.
  • Business intelligence.
  • Production intelligence.
  • Management intelligence.

Question: Considerations for choosing data visualization software

  • Integration of different data sources and with other platforms.
  • Variety of languages.
  • Free.
  • Multiplatform.

Question: Easily accessible data repository that draws from multiple data sources

  • ETL.
  • Datawarehouse.
  • Data mining.
  • Analysis.

Question: Which of the following is part of the challenges in data mining?

  • Compatibility problems.
  • Unstructured data correctly.
  • Data security.
  • All of the above.

Question: Key that provides a unique value for each row in a table.

  • Foreign key.
  • Primary key.
  • Secondary key.
  • None of the above.

Question: Select those necessary to complete the structured business intelligence architecture.

  • Data Sources.
  • ETL.
  • Data Repository.
  • Access Interface.
  • All of the above.

Question: Recommending possible actions is part of the_______________ analysis.

  • Prescriptive.
  • Recurring.
  • Predictive.
  • Descriptive.

Question: If you want to know how many new customers there will be next year, you can use:

  • Descriptive Analytics.
  • Predictive Analytics.
  • Diagnostic Analysis.
  • Prescriptive Analytics.

Question: Claiming that the primary and foreign key are the same is:

  • True.
  • False.

Question: It is mainly used for filtering data, merging fields and deleting or correcting erroneous fields:

  • SAAS.
  • ETL.
  • Transformation.
  • Load.

Question: The process of converting data or information from one format to another, usually from the format of a source system to the required format of a new target system:

  • Data Transformation.
  • Data Extraction.
  • Data Modeling.
  • Data Loading.

Question: The logical structure of how data is related and stored is a concept of:

  • ETL.
  • Primary key.
  • Data relationship model.
  • Power BI.

Question: Data quality and security is a challenge of:

  • Data loading.
  • Data extraction.
  • Data transformation.
  • All of the above.

Question: Drawing conclusions from data analysis using statistical analysis is the concept of:

  • Data analysis.
  • Data science.
  • BI Analysis.
  • None of the above.

Question: Joining different fields to obtain a consolidated view is part of the process:

  • Data loading.
  • Data extraction.
  • Data transformation.
  • All of the above.

Question: How data is stored and accessed is a concept of:

  • Primary key.
  • Secondary key.
  • Data relationship model.
  • Data extraction.

Question: What is granularity?

  • Organized collection of information.
  • Confirmation of data upload.
  • Existence of business data.
  • Level of detail at which business information is stored.

Question: Why is it important to find the right enterprise BI platform?

  • To save costs in the company.
  • To adapt to the market.
  • To achieve the necessary agility without sacrificing data security.
  • To forecast data.

Question: Data transformation helps in the process of:

  • Extract information and analyze it.
  • Storing data in a data warehouse.
  • Load the information in a new destination.
  • Convert data from one format to a more user-friendly format.

Question: What is a common form of Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)?

  • Objects.
  • Structured.
  • Star.
  • Inverted.

Question: Databases are an organized collection of data

  • True.
  • False.

Question: When I generate a data load where only data that has been updated or changed since a discrete past event is extracted. This is a type extraction:

  • Incremental.
  • Complete.
  • Progressive.
  • Closed.

Question: One data is:

  • Concrete information about facts, elements, etc., that allows them to be studied, analyzed or known.
  • The registration of an event.
  • One variable.
  • A numeric value, generated by a transaction.

Question: What does KPI stand for?

  • Knowledge Panning Indicator.
  • Key Planning Indicator.
  • Key Performance Indicator.
  • None of the above.

Question: Column or a set of columns in a table whose values correspond to the values of the primary key of another table, this concept refers to:

  • Common key.
  • Structured key.
  • Primary key.
  • Foreign key.

Question: Which path should be followed? This is a question from the phase of:

  • Collaborate.
  • Observe.
  • Decide.
  • Predict.

Question: The advance from the early Business Intelligence tools to today’s tools has been driven by making them more:

  • Specialized programming and high cost.
  • Larger data repository size.
  • Intuitive, easy to use, higher processing data loading.

Important Keys to remember

  • Observe: what is happening?
  • Understand: why it happens?
  • Predict: what would happen?
  • Collaborate: what should the team do?
  • Decide: which way to go?

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